Spare parts from Fotoelektrik Pauly

We export a large variety of original Fotoelektrik Pauly spare parts. You are welcome to ask us directly for the part you are looking for.

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Number Manufacturer Description  
ET103/2000v/e2/y/i/stBi7/24VDCFotoelektrik PaulyAdjustable Diffuse-Reflective Sensor active Background Response Suppression, light-/dark-switch
ET103/3000*01 /e2/y/i/p1/stH4/24VDCFotoelektrik PaulyAdjustable Diffuse-Reflective Sensor Order-No. 1203M01 active Background Response Suppression,
GFK15TVAFotoelektrik Pauly"Optical fibre cable, Ø4, metal amoured, 300°C; connection end:1xM10/1xD=8mm, all stainless"
GFK2W02TVAFotoelektrik Pauly"Double Optical fibre cable 90°, Ø4/2,5x6, VA coat, 300°C, VA-Version ""length = 15m; stainless s"
JH2Fotoelektrik PaulyOptical Adjustment Tool for Optic diameter 30mm
JP193 /e2/i/stH4/24VDCFotoelektrik PaulyReflex Light Barrier Order-No. 1167x01 with gloss suppression , light-/dark-switching selectabl
PP2441qq/220/R28S /24VDCFotoelektrik PaulyHole detector emitter, measurement width: 220mm, IR-emitter, 4+1-pole angular plug, 3+1 pole st
P3715Z0d52Fotoelektrik PaulyLamp adjusting system for large ranges 1 LED lamp with optical adapter dia. 52mm, ATEX zone 0,
PLG4761210216/39/3/60x30/-/20/14/S /q/1stM10Fotoelektrik PaulySwitching Light-Grid Transmitter , infrared transmitter
PLG4761210216/39/3/60x30/-/20/14/St /e2/4PG11/q/z1s/24VDCFotoelektrik PaulySwitching Light-Grid Control Unit incl. 2x5m connection cable, each with (1) connector stM10
PP2010/3E /e2/3PG9/i/p1/24VDCFotoelektrik PaulyReceiver , light-/dark-switching selectable, steady light resistant up to 100kLux
PP20110-2 /e2/2PG7/2PG11/q/24VDCFotoelektrik PaulyControl Unit for 1 Optic Head (Pair) light-/dark-switching selectable, with extended power, inf
PP2031*01nE Ex /e2Fotoelektrik PaulyEx-Transmitter-Receiver Light Barrier, II GEx d IIC T6 / II 2D Ex tD A21 IP66 T 80°C E ExdIICT6
PP2031*01nS Ex /ir/24VDCFotoelektrik PaulyReceiver | Cable 3+1+shield(5mk3+1), length appr. 5m *01: multiplex, up to 8 pairs of light bar
PP2441g/308/R153E/e2Fotoelektrik PaulyReceiver for hole detector Detection area 308mm, steady light resistant up to 80kLux, 3+1-pole
PP2441q/308/R153Fotoelektrik PaulyHole Detector, Detection Area 308mm,
PP2441q/308/R153E /e2Fotoelektrik PaulyReceiver for hole detector Detection Area 308mm, steady light resistant up to 80kLux, 3+1-pole
PP2441q/308/R153S /e2/z3s/24VDCFotoelektrik PaulyTransmitter for Hole Detector, Detection Area 308mm , infrared transmitter, 4+1-pole cranked pl
PP2441q/308/R153S /R2/z3s/115+230VACFotoelektrik PaulyTransmitter for Hole Detector, Detection Area 308mm, infrared transmitter, 4+1-pole cranked plu
PP2441q/308/R153S /R2/z3s/24VDCFotoelektrik PaulyTransmitter for Hole Detector, Detection Area 308mm , infrared transmitter, 4+1-pole cranked pl
PP83201/2/R2/3PG11/2mk3+1/z3s/stA5/115+230VACFotoelektrik PaulyPower supply 10VA, for one system, light-/dark-switching selectable
PS20R26 /1M16/p1/irFotoelektrik PaulyTransmitter force synchronization (cable from receiver) Technical design as device no. 610 280
PS20R26 /1PG9/p1/irFotoelektrik PaulyTransmitter, force synchronization (cable from receiver)
PV1037/2 /2PG11/i/fx/24VDCFotoelektrik PaulyAnti Collision Device with pollution warning output, Relais, -> PLC: transistor output recomm,
PV1038/2 /R/2M20/i/fx/24VDCFotoelektrik PaulyAnti Collision Device with preliminary contact and pollution warning output. Relay constraint
PV21112/2/R2/e1/2PG7/2PG11/i/24VDC/230VACFotoelektrik PaulyControl Unit for 1 Light Barrier, High Power, light-/dark- switching selectable, unlinked pollu
TUB46Fotoelektrik Pauly8531 Anti Dust Tube for D=35mm
Yv/R26/2 /2PG7/rlFotoelektrik PaulyInfra-red light Reflex Optic Head, 100°C for external control unit e.g. PP20110-2, for each op
O2/42Fotoelektrik PaulyTele-Optic for M42 (ex) Housing
JF02/42Fotoelektrik PaulyAdjustment plate Ø52 (for Optik O2/42) incl. 3 springs/screws/nuts
L/AS5267Fotoelektrik PaulyLight/Alignment System 1 Spotlight incl. Accu/Charger 230VAC/12-24VDC/Travel Adaptor, 5m Cable,
stA5wFotoelektrik Paulyright angle female plug for cable connection4+1 pins, fixed cable leaving direction, threaded t
M210.2Fotoelektrik PaulyEncoder
PT250mA; M232.2Fotoelektrik PaulyPressure transducer
PP80308FE /e2/230VACFotoelektrik PaulyPower supply/uC for 8pairs of PP2031*01n Ex, master clock, 9 pnp outputs, terminal blocks, fail
PLG4761210216/39/3/60x30/-/20/14Fotoelektrik PaulySwitching Light-Grid
1202Vx05Fotoelektrik Pauly
8851x01Fotoelektrik Pauly
8635x01Fotoelektrik Pauly
4350CC1x01Fotoelektrik Pauly
Yv/R26/2 /2M12/rlFotoelektrik PaulyInfra-red light Reflex Optic Head
PV21112/2/e2/2M12/1M16/1M20/i/24VDCFotoelektrik PaulyControl unit for light barrier
PP2010/3E /R/3M16/24VDC/115VACFotoelektrik PaulyReceiver
PS20R26 /1M16/irFotoelektrik PaulyTransmitter
TYPE:JP103/3Fotoelektrik Paulycan not offer
TYPE:G85Fotoelektrik Paulycan not offer
PP83201/2/R/e1/1M16/1M20/z3s/1stLU5/24VDCFotoelektrik PaulyPower Supply
Yv/R26/2/2M12/rl, 3331*04//B7A.1168Fotoelektrik Paulycan not offer for chinese customer
PP2441qS/Al /550mm/2stLU5 /24VDCFotoelektrik PaulyTransmitter | Hole-detector
PP2441qE/Al /550mm/e2 /1stLU5Fotoelektrik PaulyReceiver | Hole-detector
PV21112/2 /R /e1 /2M12 /1M16 /1M20 /i /24VDC /230VACFotoelektrik PaulyControl unit
GFK15VA / 15mFotoelektrik Pauly
PP2445CC2/5m /2stLU5Fotoelektrik PaulyConnection cable
PP2445/308S /e4/z3s/2stLU5/24VDCFotoelektrik Pauly
PP2445/308E /e2/1stLU5Fotoelektrik Pauly
PP83201/2 /R/e1/1M16/1M20/z3s/1stLU5/230VACFotoelektrik Pauly
PP83201/2/e2 /1M16 /1M20 /z3s /1stLU5 /24VDCFotoelektrik PaulyControl Unit
PP2445/308E /e2/q/1stLU5Fotoelektrik PaulyHole-detector receiver
4350AC2x01Fotoelektrik PaulyAdapter cable
WR60Fotoelektrik PaulyHeat Resistant Glass Reflectors Ø60mm Aluminum housing, water cooling available
PP2445CC2 /5m/2stLU5Fotoelektrik PaulyConnecting Cable
PP85301 /R/e1/2M20/z3s/1stLU5/115VACFotoelektrik PaulyControl Device
PP2445AC3Fotoelektrik PaulyConversion set stA5
PP83201/2 /e2/1M16/1M20/z3s/1stLU5/24VDCFotoelektrik PaulyPower supply 10VA
PP2441qq/220/R28E/e2 /1stLU5Fotoelektrik PaulyReceiver
AD26SSFotoelektrik PaulyHeavy Adjustement System
KW26Fotoelektrik PaulyCooling Water Flange for R26 housing, aluminium
PP2441qq/220/R28S/2stLU5/24VDCFotoelektrik PaulyTransmitter for Hole Detector Area 220mm, infrared transmitter
PP2445AC1Fotoelektrik PaulyAdapter Cable
PP2092/2E /e2/i/stH7/24VDCFotoelektrik PaulyReceiver
PV4071GFK /e2/i/24VDCFotoelektrik Pauly
JP191B/R/i/stBi7/115VACFotoelektrik PaulyReflex Light Barrier
stBi7wFotoelektrik PaulyRight Angle Female Plug
R100BFotoelektrik PaulyRectangular Acrylic Glass Reflectors
PS20G19 /ir/stH4Fotoelektrik PaulyTransmitter
AD26SS2Fotoelektrik PaulyHeavy adjustment system "Stauff"
PP83201/2 /R/e1/1M16/1M20/z3s/1stLU5/230VACFotoelektrik PaulyPower supply
PP2441q/220/R28S /2stLU5/24VDCFotoelektrik PaulyTransmitter
PP2445CC2 /5m/2stLU5PP2445CC2 /5m/2stLU5Fotoelektrik PaulyConnecting cable
4350CC2x01Fotoelektrik PaulyConnecting cable
PP2092/2E /e2/i/stH7/24VDCFotoelektrik Pauly
PP2441q/154/R27S*17 /2stLU5/24VDCFotoelektrik Pauly
PP2441q/154/R27E*17 /e2/1stLU5Fotoelektrik Pauly
PP83201/2 /R/e1/1M16/1M20/z3s/1stLU5/115VACFotoelektrik Pauly
PP2445CC2 /5m/2stLU5Fotoelektrik Pauly
Yv/R26/2 /2M12 /rlFotoelektrik Pauly
GR50SFotoelektrik Pauly
P3715Z0d52Fotoelektrik PaulyLamp adjustment system
KP/80308FE/e2/230VACFotoelektrik PaulyControl unit
KP/O2/42Fotoelektrik PaulyTele-Optic
KP/JH1Fotoelektrik PaulyOptical adjustment tool
PP20110-2/R /e2 /2M12 /1M16 /1M20 /i /24VDC /230VACFotoelektrik Pauly
PP2441q/220/R28E/e2 /1stLU5Fotoelektrik PaulyReceiver | Hole-detector
PP20110-2 /e2 /2M12 /1M16 /1M20 /q /24VDCFotoelektrik PaulyControl unit
PP2445/308E/e2 /q /1stLU5Fotoelektrik Pauly
PP2445/308S/e4 /q /z3s /2stLU5 /24VDCFotoelektrik Pauly
R26SHFotoelektrik PaulyHeavy adjustment flange for R26 & R25-housing
AD26SS1Fotoelektrik Pauly
ET103/2000/e2 /y /i /fx /stLU5 /24VDCFotoelektrik Pauly
PP2445/308E/e2/q/1stLU5Fotoelektrik PaulyHole Detector Receiver

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